Arkhitect Case Studies
Empowering Hedera Arkhitects to build next generation dApps. Check out how Arkhia has helped improve similar dApps to see how we can increase your performance, reliability, and offerings.

HashPack: Utilizing Arkhia’s dedicated bandwidth to remain performant while scaling.
HashPack is the largest Hedera-native non-custodial wallet. They are utilizing Arkhia’s enterprise-grade infrastructure and dedicated TPS to stay performant as they grow.

"From the start Arkhia have shown they are not just an experienced and professional team, but that they are also extremely passionate about the Hedera ecosystem. We are excited to work with them and look forward to innovating together to continue to pave the way forward as joint leaders in the space."
May Chan, CEO At HashPack
Pangolin: Leveraging Arkhia for unwavering performance and scalability into the future.
Pangolin is a decentralized exchange (DEX) for digital assets. Pangolin is utilizing Arkhia’s enterprise grade infra with tools such as AutoScaling to make sure they remain performant during heightened activity.
"We’ve worked with a lot of partners, and Arkhia has been amazing to work with. The team has provided real value and a great integration experience on Hedera. Their infrastructure solutions enable our community to access new and exciting DeFi opportunities."
Justin Trollip, CEO at Pangolin
Hashport: Ensuring uptime & efficiency to offer the best service possible to the market.
Hashport is Hedera’s interoperability solution, which utilises the Hedera Consensus Service to verify transactions. By leveraging multiple tools within the Arkhia suite, Hashport has seen a drastic decrease in support tickets, and more consistent up-time.
"At hashport we provide a critical utility to the community that needs to be available 24/7, at a cost effective rate. Previously, while using the public mirror node we would experience outages that would break our application flow and result in increased customer service issues - moving to Arkhia will provide our users with the most reliable service possible."
Jesse Whiteside, Director of Business Development at hashport
Data Analytics
Dapp Radar: Maximising queries of critical data to provide comprehensive ecosystem overviews.
Data acquisitions & analysis platform DappRadar supplies its users with an accurate overview of ecosystems. They are now leveraging Arkhia APIs to increase efficiency, reliability, and accuracy to increase the quality of their offerings to clients.

"Dapp Radar choosing Arkhia highlights the simplicity of non-Hedera-native Dapps being able to come into the ecosystem and hit the ground running. Our robust APIs offering 2x data per call alongside dedicated customer support allowed Dapp Radar to effortlessly query the appropriate data while saving time and money resolving issues during the process."
Daniel Costa, CTO At Arkhia
Swirlds Labs & the DLT Science Foundation: Leveraging Arkhia services to ensure reliability during high-activity bursts of building and giving participants the tools they need to succeed.
Swirlds Labs & the DSF are working to accelerate development on Hedera through educational initiatives such as Hackathons. They utilise the entire Arkhia suite of infra, APIs, and platform solutions to give participants the widest variety of tools, and extract maximum value from these events.

Supply Chain Management
FSCO: Leveraging the Arkhia Suite to track & trace goods around the world.
FSCO is tokenising assets and events throughout the agrifood supply chain at scale. They are using Arkhia infrastructure & guaranteed TPS to bring transparency and trust to the agrifood supply chain.

"As more large enterprises enter the Hedera/DLT space, we are seeing high volumes and demand for data needed to fuel these exciting new use cases. Arkhia offers dedicated bandwidth, guaranteed TPS, and many other developer tools to create bespoke plans based on the needs of these companies. With sufficient infrastructure, supply chain use cases are able to thrive on Hedera and bring real benefits to the ecosystem. It’s been an exciting journey with Hedera so far and we at Arkhia are just getting started."
Daniel Costa, CTO At Arkhia